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Uprising over Innocence of Muslims justified

,polo ralph lauren,polo homme This transcript is automatically generated

Secretary of state Hillary Clinton reacting to the widespread violence across the Arab world this week.

The people of Egypt.



And Tunisia.

Did not trade that tyranny of a dictator.

For that tyranny of a mob.

Reasonable people and responsible.

Leaders in these countries.

Need to do everything they -- To restore security.

And hold accountable those behind.

These violent acts.

But as attacks -- extremism worsen who is really.

Being intolerant.

Let's bring in Fox News analyst and contributor Father Jonathan Morris I -- simple topic for an AM this morning I don't think all about it very quickly if you -- start -- you know it it is.

It's great to talk about it because when you talk about tolerance we -- what democracy when you talk about respect.

Religious freedom.

Is the litmus test you don't say house democracy going.

In Afghanistan well look at you know our Italian restaurants being really given their -- their spots -- you don't do that why you say you -- the core.

Horror of what a human being hits in one of the greatest.

In that -- deepest value that someone holds is their belief in god.

An exacting respected when that belief is actually different than your belief put someone else's belief in that as a litmus test.

Four how we are respecting.

Each other and how glad democracy is is really being implemented Tina is double standard.

So bit Bill Maher releases a movie attacking religion particularly christianity to America's elites are silent some crack but that's a ten minute YouTube video attacking Islam and the president of the United States stands up and defense the religion against a little envious while defending Christian and I'm always happy when bill Mars ignored.

And -- that solid point and I think.

When we see with the consequences.

Of inaction Mike does it yield.

Being being released.

We have to distinguish trip to say.

That was responsible.

Of that person to make that it's it's disrespectful it's irresponsible it's not fully true but then we have to say.

Absolute respect.

For freedom of expression.

And then you have to say.

And then and the third spot with -- say.

No matter what was released we -- condemn any violence whatsoever.

Whether it's -- related or not you cannot say oh we need to make sure.

We may explain temporal and that that was wrong two releases -- you know we have to say that has nothing.

To do men with.

It hit it you can't compare that evil with a much greater evil of chilling somewhere in the name of god you know what's interesting.

President Obama mentioned in his weekly address that no religion can command -- something to -- the extent no religion to commence someone to kill some an innocent person.

I would say.

We wish that were the case but some religions are really mess up.

If I -- I -- my own religion today.

And I get you guys to join and then I'm going to say go kill and that in the in the name of god I can do that some religions are messed up.

And we had to say.

Which it did say god by the very definition cannot treat because he's all goodness and he's in in need perfect being.

Connect command -- to kill -- it is inappropriate for a government to condemn their religion.

That hypothetically.

Condones murder I don't think the government should get involved in theology but what they should say is a government should say.

This dictate.

Of this organization.

Goes against human reason.

It goes against human reason if some if a group within the religious or not is -- is commanding people to kill in the name of anything government need to step in and say.

That is wrong.

Call yourself religious call yourself theological yourself whatever but.

By human reason we can be sure that that is evil and must be stopped.

I jock it always practicing just figured out that you ideology it's all politics and I've -- I think you can predict it's actually quite simple -- right you know it's very easy to say it in the name of god in the name of religion.

Not out human reason is a very powerful thing and because we're maiden image and likeness of god in my opinion.

Faith and reason are not income in country data cliff forget it is -- for -- figures announced thanks thanks and still.

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